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Type of dance?

My dance studio offers all kinds of dance classes and im already taking competitive; Hip-hop, Jazz, Acro, Lyrical, Ballet, Pointe, Caberet, Modern, Tap, and Theatre. I would like to do a solo this year and i don't know which kind out of these I should do?! Any reccomendations?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: That's an easy one - you'll get all kinds of different answers because everyone has different tastes and preferences.

What you need to do is find a piece of music that reaches out and grabs you and won't let you go. Whatever style of dance that music lends itself to is what you should perform as your solo.

Understand that some styles are more of a crowd pleaser than others; something flashy like jazz or athletic like hip hop with strong driving music will be more likely to have the audience on their feet clapping along with the music, but if you prefer classical music or a fusion of classical and other styles, go for a fusion of dance styles in a solo that starts out in one style and segues into another.

Bottom line: if the music inspires you, it will show in your solo and that will be easily communicated to your audience.

Hope this helps!