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Dance team??

i need help for dance team. here are the thing i need to work on. any websites or personal advice will be VERY apprecitaed.

1)my toe-touch[needs to be higher]

2)my body.[need more muscle and possibly lose wieght, i want to get a very trim body as fast as i can]

3)be able to do a straddle[i can do my other splits...& i really wanna be able to do my straddle]

numbers 1 and 2 are most important.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The way I got my toe touch higher was practicing it on a trampoline. If you dont have a trampoline available, practice it as many times as you can, so you can get better. Also make sure to really bend your knees in your prep, as this will help you get higher as well.

Aerobics is probably one of the best ways to get a trim body. If you want to focus on your core (abs), which would be very helpful for dancing, you might think about trying bellydancing.

For your middle split, i would reccomend going into a straddle strech facing a wall and pushing your legs against the wall trying to get them as straight as possible. Another good strech is laying on your back with your butt against a wall and your legs up on the wall in a pike. Open your legs up so that they are as close to parallel to the floor as possible. Now try to push them down so that they are parallel.
Make sure to stretch AFTER your muscles are warm since you can achieve greater flexibility this way, and you are less likely to pull a muscle.