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Position:Home>Dancing> Dance Studio name. YOur input is greatly appreciated?


Dance Studio name. YOur input is greatly appreciated?

Hi everyone, thank you so much for taking your time to read this. I have looked everywhere trying to come up with a great name for a dance studio I am opening up in Hollywood, CA and found nothing that resonates with what I want my studio to represent. So I was hoping if I reached out to you, that you might just have a great idea for a name. Any contribution you make would make a world of difference so thank you in advance !!!
JUst to give you a taste of what it will be:
After school program for kids - ballet, tap, jazz, hip-hip
All of the above for adults throughout the week as well as all of the ballroom styles (salsa, tango, waltz, etc)
I will also have a saturday workshop named after a mentor of mine that will be an audition only dance company.
I want people to leave there knowing that they can always comeback and have a blast dancing. Whether its to learn a few moves, prepare for a wedding, lose weight or just to release the stress of the day. I want it to be their refuge. THX!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Meech,

Naming something is so difficult, and so important. You want the name to dance in their heads, when they think of dance they think of your studio. Sounds like you are not interested in:
Hollywood Dance, or
Meech Dance,

So, how about looking at Acronyms with the Styles of Dance, to make a word - and on the sigh, you run the Acronym one way, and the styles spell out the other.

This does not resonate either. hmmm, how about something like ALL or People, or Dance for Life, or Life is a Dance Studio,

First Dance. Last Dance, Maybe Dance is not in the name, like
Move your body - or Rhythms and Moves,

I like the last one, and you fried my brain on this one.