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Lifting legs in ballet?

ive danced since i was 3 but thers summin i dnt understand. wen u lift ur leg at the barre they say ur ment 2 user ur tummy instead of ur thigh so u dnt get fat thighs but this doesnt do anyfing. cud i b doin summin wrong??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: try using a combo of abs and inner thighs, in ballet you use both these muscles tons, so they are bound to be larger than say your biceps, but the stronger your muscles the easier certain exercises become, especially in the center. If you are on pointe, your abs and thighs are essential to be strong, so don't think that your thighs will build up and get large, because they won't get fat, it also depends on your body type people are born with different type muscles, short and thick, long and lean, etc. there is no perfect "ballerina body"