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Position:Home>Dancing> What should I do about regret?


What should I do about regret?

When I was about 8 years old, I started taking ballet lessons on a scholarship at a really prestigious school. I was never a serious or motivated child, so after one bad lesson, I quit. In high school, I realized how much I loved dancing and was serious about it. Ever since freshman year (I'm 19 now) I've been regretting taking ballet at an earlier age. I've taken lessons ever since but none were formal instruction, so I'm not very good. Some other girls who were in my class turned out to be gorgeous, talented dancers. Because of my love of dance, I can't seem to forgive myself for quitting those lessons when I was 8. Any suggestions?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: hun - you can either wallow in regret or go right out there now and reverse it - now option 1 - you go look for a new class - there will definately be one starting somewhere soon (around jan) so go out and enrol pronto! then work your *** off!
option 2 - put it down to experience and move on - as you get older your life may be full of regrets - missed opportunities etc - its called growing up hun - its f.ucking hard and hurts like hell - but you will come through it in the end and can look back at every negative thats happened and find a postitive - remember what dont kill ya - makes ya stronger - keep thinking that in your head - its got me through some pretty rough times!!!!
life does seem a bit mad at times dont it??? feel like you are always confused and there is so much pressure to do something???? i know exactly how you feel - just find something you enjoy - make it your passion - think of nothing else - make it your sole ambition to be the best you can be at it - buy a dvd to help - maybe music may help? something but put all your energy into it! and ignore what the (lets be honest - jealous) little people say to discourage you - keep ya chin up and say "i will succeed"
i believe in you - go get em girl!