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Position:Home>Dancing> Should my Niece be wearing panties and a bra under her leotard and tights?


Should my Niece be wearing panties and a bra under her leotard and tights?

My niece Veronica is 19 and she does not wear panties or a bra under her leotard and tights. She says that her dance teacher told her that she is not supposed to wear anything under her leotard and tights. She told her that they are designed to be worn without panties or a bra. My concern is that some of these outfits seem very revealing and she does not like to wear anything over them when she is going to and from her classes.

Additional Details

7 months ago
My Niece's teacher is a woman and very well respected I guess. As far as how she gets to school, she walks one block from her house and takes the bus to the dance studio. She takes the bus home also. It's about 3 miles on the bus. In the colder weather she wears a coat or jacket but when it's nice out she just wears her leotard and tights while riding the bus to and from class.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 7 months ago
My Niece's teacher is a woman and very well respected I guess. As far as how she gets to school, she walks one block from her house and takes the bus to the dance studio. She takes the bus home also. It's about 3 miles on the bus. In the colder weather she wears a coat or jacket but when it's nice out she just wears her leotard and tights while riding the bus to and from class.