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Questions for a exotic dancer in training?

i am a beginner in this whole exotic dancing. i want to do private shows for desperate men but i want to know what should i wear, how much i should charge, and how long does this dance last

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Long ago I worked at a private club in LA (Wilshire BLVD) called "the ball". The girls(exotic dancers) were most upset that the women that took Hula lessons and Belly danced were making as much as they did, not including tips (and I assume that "TIPS" is not your goal). They would do a few Bachelor parties etc. and go as a group and charge about $60 to 70 each for a one hour gig. They did two or three per afternoon/evening. They advertised in the yellow pages. They were pretty good, and I don't think they had much of a problem except for where to plug in their music. This might be a safer choice for you as a side line. Of course that was in the seventies so you will have to find out today's prices. They always had at least 3 girls so there was some safety in numbers and they called when they arrived and when they were leaving. $500 + plus for a weekend sideline in those days paid for a lot of lessons.