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HOw can I become a better dancer?

I danc eballet amd I want it to become my prefession ( or part time) How do I become a better dancer to help this along?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: First of all, I would recommend talking to your teacher. If you're not already dancing with a special studio or school, your teacher will know where there is one and help you get in if this is really your dream.

Second, your center is key. By your center, I mean your stomach muscles. If they are not strong, you will not be able to dance as well. These are the most important muscles you need to dance. There are lots of exercises to strengthen them. Since everything comes from the center, I would recommend you work on strengthening those muscles. Ask your teacher or look into how to do pilates. Probably the exercises that your teacher would have you do would be very similar to pilates.

Increase your flexibility. Slowly. Don't hurt yourself by pushing too fast or hard. Again, ask your teacher for some stretching exercises you can do to increase your flexibility.

Finally, have some fun! This is the most important part. Maybe I should have put it at the top. If you're not having fun, then what's the point of dancing and who will want to watch you?

Good luck! Work hard and have FUN!!! :)