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Position:Home>Dancing> I really want to do a solo in my studio recidal how do i convince my parents?


I really want to do a solo in my studio recidal how do i convince my parents?

I really want to do a solo i mean lyk a jazz solo since all i take is ballet right now n im getting really bored n my brother has karate 4 days a week its just not fair. N my ballet teacher just got fired so were not learning anything new n i really want 2 excel @ something right now dance realted n i just really wanna do it! How do i get my parents 2 say yes?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Since your parents were teens before try to make them look at when they wanted to do somthing and their parents said they couldn't and they'll start thinking they should let you try it out so you get all the possibilitys and don't miss out on what you could've achived if you did it.