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For all dancers, choreographers, and music lovers?

I am in an art show and the theme is growing. For the exhibit i am choreographing a dance, maybe a duet or trio. Any suggestions on songs that fit the theme, or how to choreograph grwoing in the dance. Ex, changing levels? slow to fast? Any ideas will be realy helpful. Thanx!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: we did a dance to the song "turn around" i have no idea who it is by, and we started out with 10 of our littlest girls (3-6 years old), then 10 of our junior level girls (ages about 9-14) came in and danced with the little girls for a few measures, then the little girls left, then 10 of our senior company girls (15-18) did the same thing, and we matched all the girls up with girls that looked similar to them, and they had matching costumes so it seemed like each trio was a single girl and the audience watched them grow up. it was really cool to be a part of it, and the audience said it was cool to be able to see all 3 age levels in one dance. it was beautiful. i hope that helps a little bit.