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Position:Home>Dancing> Do dancers have to be bought a new outfit for every show, if not..where do they


Do dancers have to be bought a new outfit for every show, if not..where do they hire their costumes from......

or do they have someone to make their costume for each different show?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It depends on the type of company the dancer is performing with, the venue, the resources they have, the type of performance they are putting on....

If it's a company that doesn't have a lot of money (such as a high school, small university, etc.), then they might have several basic pieces that they use over and over again and then buy, make, or borrow accessories such as overskirts, leggings, etc. This usually means they do a lot of abstract or modern productions that don't require costumes for specific characters like the Sugar Plum Fairy.

If it's a larger company with more resources, then they probably construct a lot of the costumes, and buy or rent when they want a very specific outfit or if they need to costume a lot of people (such as the members of a chorus).

Both type can use the same costumes again if they do the same production every year (e.g. the ballet company in my city does The Nutcracker every winter, and they have the same costume for the same ballerine every year), or alter them so that they fit other characters and performers.