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How do I become a professional dancer ?

I've been dancing since I was 2.I've danced ballet,tap,salsa, and right now I'm doing Hip Hop, Reggaeton (spanish Hip Hop),and Flaminco.I'm a straight A student and I can memorize music by lisrening to it 2 times and it's in my blood.

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6 months ago
I've been dancing since I was 2.I've danced ballet,tap,salsa'and right now I'm doing Hip Hop,Reggaeton,and Faminco.I'm a straight A student.I live the suburbs of NY.I do take lessons and I'm not old enough to work but I have the heart to dance and I want to pro!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 6 months ago
I've been dancing since I was 2.I've danced ballet,tap,salsa'and right now I'm doing Hip Hop,Reggaeton,and Faminco.I'm a straight A student.I live the suburbs of NY.I do take lessons and I'm not old enough to work but I have the heart to dance and I want to pro!