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Position:Home>Dancing> Can you tell me about off beat cha cha, rhythm foxtrot & jive?


Can you tell me about off beat cha cha, rhythm foxtrot & jive?

ok, i wanna know specifically, :-
1. The difference between cha cha and off beat cha cha
2. Are there any hip movement involved in these 3 dances

I would appreciate thorough and complete answers as specific as possible. Additional information are appreciated. I'm not really interested in how's their every steps but I just wanna know the overall body movement involved in these dances. My gym is offerring these classes and I'm the kind that likes waltz and rock and roll but dislike rhumba. Basically I like dances that does not involve hip movement. So knowing about them would help me decide whether to take up these classes or not. If you have no idea, please don't attemp to answer. Thank you for your help.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Cha Cha is an offshoot of the Mambo. In the slow Mambo tempo, there was a distinct sound in the music that people began dancing to, calling the step the "Triple" Mambo. Eventually it evolved into a separate dance, known today as the Cha Cha. Like most modern music, Cha Cha music is 4/4 time (4 beats to a bar of music, and therefore four dance steps to a bar of music.The fourth beat of the music screams for you to step side and close - this step, with the drag of the foot side, then the drag of the foot to close, produces the characteristic Cha Cha sound, from which the name of the dance is derived.