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Is it possible to be a decent ballet dancer even if you start as an adult?

I am 22 years old.... right now I am trying to lose weight and getting more active. My dream has always been to be a good figure skater but also to do ballet. I have been figure skating for the last 4 years off and on but have never ever done ballet. I am getting more interested in it and need some advice. What are the keys to being a good ballet dancer? How can I find a ballet school or class that will cater to adults? Do ballet schools have certain criteria for their beginner dancers? Thanks! Direct references are appreciated!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Keys to being a good dancer include practice, dedication, and hard work of course. You should try to find a school in your area with experienced and legitimate teachers, that holds adult classes. Make sure it is not just a "rinky dink" studio where the teachers really don't know what they are doing. When beginning ballet, usually there isn't any criteria for beginners, especially adults. All you need is a desire to learn ballet!

Good luck!