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True about toe nails?

Is it true that if you take a certain dance that your toe nails will com off? One of my friends took ballet and two of her toe nails came off.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My toenails never fell off from dancing on pointe, but everybody's feet are different. Mine happen to be well-suited for pointe shoes because my toes are pretty even across the top. The only problems I ever had were blisters on the top of my toes, but that was easily avoided by taping my toes with first-aid tape.

I knew plenty of dancers who had all kinds of problems though, including one girl who got a blood blister underneath her big toenail. They had to drill a hole in the nail to drain it. Another girl dated a guy for about 5 months before she let him see her feet.

So far as I know, the only problems people ever had like that were with pointe shoes. If your friend lost 2 toenails just from regular ballet and not pointe, its likely something else happened.