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How can you save a new dance studio?

I just opened in October. I love to dance. I can teach as well but I allowed some former students of mine to get their feet wet and teach the classes. They don't listen to what I say and do their own thing. As a result, our Christmas program was horrible. Horrible in the sense that I know that these kids were nervous (5-12 year olds) and had never had dance before, so to me they did well just to get out there. Problem is that there was only supposed to be 2 guest per child people brought like 6. It was standing room only and the kids just frooze. Some walked off stage and cried etc. After two months parents were expecting a recital and it was only a 2 min. watch me per class. Parents left angry. Kids were embarrassed and I reopen on January 2nd and I am afraid no one will be there. Help!!!!

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6 months ago
The responses are wonderful and I admit I was being friendly and not putting my foot down. Thanks so much.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 6 months ago
The responses are wonderful and I admit I was being friendly and not putting my foot down. Thanks so much.