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In irish dancing competitions, what do the judges look at?

Everyone tells me I'm great and I think I did my best but why do I never win?! I only get placed......I want a 1st!!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: in Irish dancing, you must present yourself as though you are born for it. own the stage, use every square inch. if you don't connect with the judges, you are just going to be looked at for your moves not moves and style together, so Smile! also, make sure your arms are where they need to be. if they are moving around lots, you will get a deduction. hopefully the judges make comments on your score card so they can tell you what they think. rehearse your routine over and over again. if you are doing hard shoe, make sure your trebles are clean and sharp. Judges want to hear every sound. if you are performing in soft shoe, make sure that your hop backs are high to your bottom. your kicks should be high. work on your flexibility. lots!