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Is 19 2 old 2 start dancing??

i use to go to all sorts of dance classes from the age of 6-13 but now am not as bendy as i use to be i cant even touch my toes

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: LOL! That's not too old at all! I used to be very bendy as an elementary school kid when I took ballet and tap dance -- I think I was between 5 and 7. But I didn't take any dancing classes for the rest of my school days, nor did I do anything like gymnastics either. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean I (or you) are doomed to become inflexible rods! :) You can always improve your strength and/or flexibility to some degree.

As for me, I started dancing at country-western clubs (line-dancing, two-stepping, cowboy swing, etc.) when I was about 23 years old. I took to it like a fish takes to water! *grin* I had more rhythm and a LOT more endurance than I'd initially thought! It was great! I also started developing stronger leg muscles; I could actually see the muscle definition in my calves.

I hope my ramblings answer your question. :) Please don't worry about being "bendy" -- it's not at all necessary for many types of dance! All you need is rhythm, reasonable endurance, and the patience to learn the steps of your chosen dance style. EVERYTHING will improve with time!