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Position:Home>Dancing> I want to get a girl-friend but I am shy, help me please ladys with some friendl


I want to get a girl-friend but I am shy, help me please ladys with some friendly advice...?

I need a girl friend. I have never dated before because before i moved out of my house, i lived religeously and I was under alot of parental pressure of not dating unless the intension is marrage. I moved 2,000 miles away from my parent, now I have no clue where to start. Its driving me crazy and Im about to rip my hair out. I need some advice to help me get into a relationship.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think you should talk to me ; 0 ) . haha. ulo(playin with you... but even so i have lots of friends from different backgrounds and different areas of the country so i will help you hehe)

otherwise you need to get out some and just walk up to a girl and talk to her!!! you can do it! stop being shy