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Position:Home>Dancing> I am 18 years old and I dont know how to dance. why should I do?


I am 18 years old and I dont know how to dance. why should I do?

I wanna go to night clubs but I cant dance because when i was growing up I always thought dancing is foolish. But now I know I cant get a gf unless i can, so I have no choice. Please Help me.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: OMG JOHNNY ... you should NOT have a prob getting a woman!!
Your HOT!!

do you have any mates (who can actually dance) teach you?
or some female friends which can show you some steps etc?
how bout getting some dance videos and learning from them?
dance school? theres heaps around

dont worry to much as there are heaps of guys who cant dance and dont .. and just them standing there at the clubs looking hot is cool enough :P