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How do you write a dance programme note?

for my solo - yes it is due in tomo but i have No clue what so ever. i guess its about your dance yer but what about the structure the ideas? where you got your ideas fomr does the movemnt reflect the dance idea? help please

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Usually notes are optional. Most programs just have the following info:
Dance Title:
Costumes by:
Lighting Design by:
Music Created/Composed by:
Music Performed by:

As for any additional notes, you might write something
to better help the audience understand the piece.

Here are some examples:
"This piece was inspired by the intricate and
multi-layered relationship between mothers and

"I came up with the idea for this piece when I came across a box of old photos of relatives that none of my family members

As you can see, it can be in first-person or

Hopefully that helps!