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Position:Home>Dancing> Grinding(dance)?



i have seen people do it a ton of times, but i just can't get it! how do you actually grind? anywhere i can find a tutorial? ive tried youtube, nothing..thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i grind.. i love grinding! i do it for guys at the club with my girls.. all we do is get really close. one of my legs are in between her legs and one of her legs are in between my legs and we dance together.. sexualy. you have to always go at the same paste as the other person tho, and you can add little moves like we both go down and then back up, or one of us goes down, and then the other one.. and we can also shake our asses (that really turns the guys on) but all you have to do is stay at the same paste as the other person and you need to act sexy.. good luck. :)