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Dancing in nightclubs..?

I want to know if anyone out there has, or has had, the same problem as I am having, if so how did you get over it?

I am a really outgoing person but when it comes to friends getting me to dance it's a complete character reversal, I have tried to dance before on a few occasions but feel like such an idiot; so much so that I just don't bother as it never gets better for me and gets on my nerves. I feel the music go through me as it should do but get overcome all shy and paranoid of people staring that I don't make the attempt even when absolutely p**sed out of my head, the idea of it sobers me up!.
I think it's a confidence thing but I'm confident in everything else I do so am beginning to doubt that is the reason....could it be the ability to dance/to know what the hell I am doing?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: First, you don't need liquid courage to get out on the dance floor. All alcohol does is make you more willing to let loose while giving you the illusion that you look amazing when you are stumbling over your feet and making an *** out of yourself. Second, I have never been that good at the nightclub dancing (well, what most people call nightclub dancing which usually isn't nightclub two-step), but I can make most people think I look like I am.

The key is to loosen up your body and listen to the music then use the music as the guide for how you use your body. If you can sit down and tap your foot to the beat, you have more rhythm than than most people, and it gives you a foundation for dancing. Spend time just listening to the music and how it changes as it plays. When you start playing with the nuances of the music, you can begin hearing where there are steps, hip rolls, and all other kinds of moves. After you have the ability to pick out what you like in the music and hear the moves, start moving. You can do this while doing household chores or wherever you feel comfortable. Invite a friend over to show you just one or two moves and practice them over and over throughout the day as you listen to whatever song is on. Keep that up for a week and then learn another move or two.

Eventually, if you keep at it, you will find yourself listening and moving to things like never before. While shopping at the grocery store, you'll find yourself stepping along with the beat of the Musak in the background. As your repertoire of moves grows, you will start to visualize how you should dance to whatever song comes on. The only way to get the confidence you desire is to become that comfortable with it. As a side note, even the world championship dancers had to start somewhere, and it takes a great deal to swallow your pride enough to make the effort to learn. It takes awhile to get good at anything, and dancing is a very public display where you just have to tough it out for a bit.