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Position:Home>Dancing> Does anyone know any information on Flamenco, the dance from Sapin?


Does anyone know any information on Flamenco, the dance from Sapin?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I don't know much on actual perfomance aspects only the early history part. It's a descendant of Middle Eastern dance (bellydance) that was a fusion between the moorish dance (that's the belly dance part) and the local dance forms. Flamenco was the Spanish gypsies dance and they are descendants of the Romani (amongst other indian outcast groups) who left India and traveled west. Flamenco is still a strong part of the Romani culture in Spain. I would recommend geting the video/dvd called Latcho drom adn also The Romany Trail parts 1 and 2. Both feature a great deal about the Romani migrations and their dance forms. They have some beautiful flamenco performances in them though. The Flamenco dance is now more or less two types there is still the traditional Romani version and now the more or less stage version which is performed by those outside of the Romani communities. There are many, many books and websites available on this dance form and I would recommend googling "flamenco". You will certainly find plenty of information that way. You can probably find instructors that way too, if that's what your looking for.