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Dancers-what are the main duties of this career?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you're talking about exotic/lap/table dancing.. Let me tell you what it is all about if you're talking about clubs in Australia.. Firstly, you usually have to pay to get in (this is the housefee). The club does not pay you on an hourly basis - the only money you get is the money you hustle off customers, and even with this you may have to pay commission to the club. In the club I worked in, you had to be on a table every hour or so (you don't get paid to dance on a table unless a customer wants you to do a strip) and if you were 5 minutes late you had to pay the girl that had to wait for you. It's up to you to go up to people and try to convince them to take you for a dance. The place I worked at was definitely one of the classiest acts around, and so I didn't tolerate groping customers - if they even thought about groping, the bouncers were superquick to throw them out. Unfortunately, this isn't a universal thing and it can be pretty stressful dealing with drunkards....
so summing it up, main duties are talking to customers, dancing and keeping an eye on your watch...