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Position:Home>Dancing> Has sabrina from the cheetah girls 2, been taking dance classes all her life?


Has sabrina from the cheetah girls 2, been taking dance classes all her life?

I would like to be just like her! I've been dancing since i was 2! I have wanted to be a proffesional dancer since I was 5! Do you thaink that is a foolish dream!I do ballet,hip hop, jazz, and tap!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: She loves to be called Sabrina but its not even her real name. Her whole name is REBA Sabrina Hinojos. She always loved to dance even when she was little but she didn't start performing and taking lessons until she was 7. Look at her up close is it just me or does she favor Mariah Carey alot??? It is not foolish to have a dream of becoming a dancer. Stay in shape, keep practicing, dont let anyone tell you what you cant do. Dancers make good money.