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Position:Home>Dancing> I need ballroom dance shoes with a narrower heel, any suggestions?


I need ballroom dance shoes with a narrower heel, any suggestions?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I remember one of your earlier questions - you were looking for narrower shoes. I take it, it is not the tip of the heel you're talking about, it is the part that supports the heel of your foot?

Look into International and Ray Rose brands. You can find them on the same webpages that I gave you in my previous answer, as well as on also on

Freed of London is also narrow in the heel - BUT it is wider in the toes. Also try such brands as Paoul

Do not buy Capezio - they don't know how to make ballroom shoes. Yes, the heel is narrower, but the shoe has no shank, or it is way too short. It will fall apart before you know it, and you won't be able to dance strongly in this shoes because your foot won't be suported properly. I had a pair of Capezio, it was terrible.