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Position:Home>Dancing> I got a dancing pole for Christmas and as a beginner wondered if anyone could re


I got a dancing pole for Christmas and as a beginner wondered if anyone could reccomend any moves, dvds etc?

I'm really interested in using this for fitness and want to practice frequently. I just have no idea where to start. Thanks.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey! Don't listen to the closed-minded comments - pole dancing is fabulous for building upper body strength and flexibility, and when you're dancing continuously it's also a great cardio workout - one that is so much fun that you're likely to sustain it at a high level for longer than a more boring exercise.

In terms of DVDs, you could try some of the Aradia Fitness ones - they're one of the largest pole dancing for fitness companies in North America.

You can also subscribe to a service to have access to video clips on - that's a popular company in the UK.

Hope that helps! Remember to warm up, stretch, and work on strengthening moves as you gradually build up to harder poses and spins - it's easy to hurt yourself, especially if you're trying to learn alone at home!

A good basic strengthening move is the pole hold. Stand on your tiptoes right next to the pole, leaning your chest right into it. Wrap your hands around the pole at eye level, one hand above the other. Pull your shoulders down your back (make sure they aren't shrugged up around your ears), and tuck your elbows into your sides. Then tighten your upper back (that's where you're lifting from), your shoulders, your arms, and your handgrip, and lift first one, then the other foot, bending at the knee and pointing your toes behind you. Hold as long as you can hold good shoulder and upper body position, and then release your grip slightly so that you slide down, until you end up kneeling on the floor.

When that gets easy, keep reaching your hands higher up the pole to start, keep your shoulders down (so you strengthen your back and shoulders, and don't strain your joints), and pull up only using your upper body strength, with no jump whatsoever.

Good luck!