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Position:Home>Dancing> Is there at least one belly dancer stabbed or shot in the belly?


Is there at least one belly dancer stabbed or shot in the belly?

can someone give a web link?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm sure that somewhere in the world a bellydancer at some point in time has or wil be shot or stabed in the nave but I don't think it's the kind of the that would be front page news to most of the world. And I'm pretty certain nobody would post a picture of it. Of all the bellydancers I know or have read about most die from natural causes like old age. The tend to die from heart failure or cancer just like the rest of the world. The only way that that sort of thing would be shown or talked about is if the dancer were a big name celebrity in the field which would be difficult sice they all have security when their that famous. I really think it's time you give up on your question, you've asked it like 30 times already and nobody has been able to give you an answer. As abellydancer myself I'm both disgusted and annoyed with your obession over bellydancers being stabbed in the navel. I'm equally disgusted and annoyed with the idea of you wanting to look inside a bellydancers navel and or live there. Why would it be different than anyone else's? Some have lint others don't. Please seek professional help or just draw yourself a picture of a bellydancer getting stabbed or shot in the stomach and get over it.