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Position:Home>Dancing> Do you know of some ways to improve turnout?


Do you know of some ways to improve turnout?

I want to increase and improve the flexibility of my hip rotators and turnout. Are there any stretches I can do before class to acheive this? Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: just strech your legs really ballet teacher has us lie on our backs with our legs in the air and turn out as far as we get a little further each time! might try this, but don't do it to much, because if you over turn out it can be really bad for your legs. -stand in front of a wall, with the front of your body facing it. Turn out (as much as you can, being careful to rotate from the hips) and press yourself against the wall as much as possible. Your feet should be pressed up against the bottom of the wall, and keep pressing, because this will naturally cause you to turn out more. also, do butterfly stretches and frog stretches.