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How to dance during clubbing??

Hi, i am a 18 year old guy who just starting going to club because my friends asking me to, but i dunno how to dance and often my friend have to force me down to the dance floor.

can anyone teach me some basic technique here??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: hey! ive got friends who ask me the same thing when im with them. have a couple of drinks but depending on the kinda guy u r, it could make u do stupid things - eg. getting onto a table. so just figure out how much u need to get u comfortable and loose at the joints. lol.
if the club is packed, should be pretty easy, just move ur arms to the music but not anything crazy but try keep ur feet in position coz thats the easiest way to mess up. its not really about the moves, but more about the confidence u ooze. if u look s**t scared people will see it thru ur movements so just relax and follow the music. if ur feeling brave ,u cud lift ur arms and yell a little but only if u know what ur doing. basically, just sway and keep ur arms in rhythm. its all about ur "aura". good luck and HVE FUN!