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How to do the hip -roll dance and booty pop?

i really need help with doing these 2 dances if you know how to do it, how do you cuz i suck at them please help me out=)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: all you have to do is:

Butt Pop:
1. with your legs about shoulder's length apart, start rolling your hips until this motion gets comfortable (this is to get loose)
2. bend your legs slightly and continue rolling your hips until you're comfortable
3. (stay relaxed) stop rolling and jerk your butt back. only your butt, don't let your back or legs move. this can be very hard to do, especially if you are stiff. just relax your butt muscles.
4. practice this until you have it down

Hip-Roll: (side-to-side)
1. roll hips until loose
2. bend legs and roll hips
3. move legs by picking up your feet slightly off the ground (like you're tip toeing with your legs bent), but DON'T move forward.
4. roll hips with leg motion (this can be extremely hard. it took me a while to learn how)

Hip Roll: (forward)
1. loosen up (see above)
2. roll hips forward by clenching your butt muscles as your hips go forward
3. roll hips forward with legs shoulder's length apart