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If you take ballet, what are your classes like?

When I took ballet class, my teacher was a really nice, refined lady. She taught all the boys to bow properly and the girls to curtsey. At the end of the class we always bowed and curtseyed to her.

She always used the French terms for the steps, and made sure we knew how to pronounce them correctly.

She watched us really carefully and never, never yelled at us.

She played beautiful classical music for us to dance to, especially when we did work in the center of the room

She made sure we always looked nice, out hair done nicely, and that we smelled sweet and clean, our clothes impeccable. She also was very protective of us and never let the girls go on point before they were ready, usually two years into our training.

And she did it without strain or temper. It was like a finishing school!

On top of it, her mother, who appeared often, was inordinately fond of chocolate truffles and always wore navy blue dresses and hats. A very genteel lady

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: At the end of class we have to bow/curtsey as well...
No term is in english - she'll ask us what they mean and if we pronounce them wrong she'll correct us.
No, my teacher would never yell either - she didnt have to - one look and the student would stop misbehaving.
She watches us carefully too - not just for the technique but to make sure the steps go with the music and look nice.
There is a piano player in our class.. so its always classical music.
Yes - she'll help people put their hair up if they needed help and she cares that we are neat and tidy.
Haha, I dont understand why any teacher would let the girls on pointe without at least two years of training - their feet wouldnt be strong enough. -we are allowed on pointe when she thinks we are ready - she has to talk to you individually...
It hasnt changed. and hopefully it will never.