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Would you dance like Demi in Striptease ?

I paid off my student loans posing nude for art and photography classes, and freelance at students' homes. Not paid handsomely, but it beat day labor and fast food spots

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: First of all her stripper moves in that movie were pretty lame, and not anything like what really goes on in most strip clubs in this country.
I've danced for eleven years. It's okay I guess. But all the customers expecting you to drink, and trying to be grabby and making rude comments all the time gets old. Not that I care what they think...I just wish sometimes that we could hit them in the head, take their money, and call them a cab. LOL.
And then there are the girls who are jealous that come in w/ their guys/friends to be rude....makes me laugh.
I'd rather pose for nude art and/or photography. Depending on where you live, and how much you pose, the money can be pretty good, as good as the dancers make in your town.