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High School Dance Ideas and themes?

our Sophmore class is going to be putting on a dance in a couple of months for our school to raise money for our senior trip in 2009, well the last dance that the seniors put on was lame and it lost them money so we want to make ours really good for people to come...we have a VERY small school though with about 150 kids and about 50 usually we decided to have people mix it up and invite friends from many others schools. we have $1,365 in our account so we want to spend as little as possible for this dance and earn more. we are thinking about hireing a DJ and selling food and everything. but the thing is we need to decided on a GOOD Theme we can do and decorate it like that with as little money as possible and have ppl dress up for it like if it was Hollywood theme come all fancy and everything. we also need ideas that we can do to make it more fun such as black lights...or dance/music games! any ideas at all for a good dance and theme. any suggestions at all please?!?!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What about Winter Wonderland???? You could have a white food, drink and decorations. It is really good and very romatic. Good Luck :)