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If there is any producer out there looking for a dancer?

Im a dancer wondering if there someone looking for a hip hop dancer in a video are a movie im 16 yrs old but have the moves to make it im better then the dancer out now doing video and movies just give me a chance

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is this post a joke? Get real....Do you honestly think some producer is going to be looking for dancers on Yahoo? Jeez... Hello!... planet earth to "Julia Starr" Do you think by saying "trust me I'm really good and actually better than anybody you will audition" that you will get a job?....BTW who says you have better moves than people already out there?...You? A dance teacher? Your friends? Grow up and while you are at it get a reality check. Next do some reserach in dance magazines and see where and when casting calls are. Last are too young, you need to be 18 to be really looking for a dance job.....