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How Old To Stop Bellydancing?

How old does a woman have to be to stop bellydancing... i.e. what age is recomended

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Women of all ages can bellydance as long as they like. There is no minimum or maximmum age. However to be realistic if your looking at performance oportunities your chances of being hired may decline as you age just as any performance art that is based partially on appearance. A restaurant or club may be less likely to hire you if they can find a dancer of equal or greater quality who is younger. However, amongst arabs it is said that a dancer does not even reach her true potential until she's in her 40's because it's only then that she has enough life experience to truely convey a message through her dancing. This does not mean that older women cannot perform at all though. Older women who have earned a position of honor or respect in the bellydance community are sought after because of their fame as well as their authenticity to their style. Morocco is one these dancers, Jamila Salimpour is another, Dahlena another. The list could go on for quite a while, pretty much anyone who made a name for themselves as a bellydancer and has continued to hold a high position amongst the dance community is sought after for perfomance, lessons, and workshops. However, if you simply want to perform for fun and not for money local hafla's, guild shows, and performances for classes are a great way to perform. In general there is no age at which you must stop but, in professional performance arts, unfortunately, it's all about either quality, fame, or looks.