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Are other dancers usually a lot of fun to dance with in performances?

I just started a belly dance class and LOVE it!!
Found that even tho i have much more to learn, seem to be pretty good at it from the start, even tho I'm a beginner.
It's been so much fun, but kind of a shy person socially. Was wondering if most dancers are fun to be around in general, used to being by myself/trying to break outta my shell!
There's other's who are beginners like me, but so many that are very experienced.
My goal is to be in a local performance just for fun, but hopefully look as good or almost as great as the other more experienced dancers w/out feeling intimidated. Any helpful hints how I can achieve this? KNow I need to practice a lot to get to where I want to be. :o)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: it depends on the person. Me personally, I'm an attention whore so I love to be in the spotlight all alone. There are some who feed off another person's vibe.

Do what you feel is most comfortable to you.