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Calves hurt after 1st dancing class, should i dance tommorrow?

i quit ballet 4 years ago and yesterday i had a ballet class for 2 hours. when i was dancing, i was suprised how much things i could do and how much i could stretch. i did not feel any pain at all during the class. however, when i woke up today i felt clear pain in my calves. my calves felt stiff and sore. anyway, i went shopping with a friend and walked home (30 minute walk) which i seldomly do. when i came home, i felt noticiblesharper and stiffer pain in my calves. its very uncomfortable for me to walk now. so im wondering what do you guys think happened and should i take the dance class tommorrow? i would feel really bad telling the teacher i have to skip the 2nd class because i hurt my calves.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Don't skip. I have done ballet for a few years and sometimes my calves feel like that too. Actually it's just a sign that you've worked really hard and your muscles just aren't used to it. It goes away. Tomorrow just tell your teacher that your calves are hurting(if they still are) and you might not be able to dance very well. Don't worry, it's a good thing.