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Position:Home>Dancing> I love ballet, but i always feel i must be the best?


I love ballet, but i always feel i must be the best?

I love ballet, but it's kind of stressful for me - seeing as i'm constantly trying to maintain my position as top in the class. My mum wants me to, too, but not as much as i want it. Also, as you must know, ballerinas need to stay thin and healthy. Well, successful ones anyway. I want to know what i should eat to maintain my weight and to stay healthy.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I know exactly how you feel, always striving to be the best in your class. I do the exact same thing, and I think that all dancers do. It's actually probably a good thing because it helps you to strive and work harder to get to / maintain that position, and also helps the other dancers to improve too. As far as the weight thing, once you get to the level of professional dance you shouldn't have to worry about weight because you will be dancing so much every day. Also, don't go on a veggie / fruit diet because you need the protein and nutrients from other types of foods so you should maintain a balanced diet. The best thing would probably be to not drink too much pop or sugary drinks and more water, and eat more frequently (instead of just breakfast, lunch, and dinner) but in smaller portions which will make your stomach smaller and give your body more of a chance to break down the foods.