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Position:Home>Dancing> What are the belly dance steps or exercises that one should practice the most?


What are the belly dance steps or exercises that one should practice the most?

and are there any GREAT belly dance video's as well?
(I already have the one's w/twins belly dance dvd)
anyways I LOVE belly dancing so much, seem to pick up on it fairly quickly, but it IS only my 2nd class. THis instructor allows the whole class to dance as a group together during the summer at fairs and stuff. I wanna be REALLY good at it by that time.
Any helpful suggestions from experienced and/or expert belly dancers out there?
thank u!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Any/all of them. :)

Seriously though, I usually focus on the ones which I do NOT pick up as quickly. And I also go through the ones that I already feel comfortable with. It's always good to keep your foundation sound, especially when moving on to more complex movements. For me, I have to focus on my arms/hands to keep them from detracting from my performance. Each person has their own strengths/weaknesses. If you are aware of them, you can work on both appropriately. For a good list of different movements check It can help you remember the various movements so you can plan your workouts and practices more effectively.

You will want to work on your stamina with some cardio exercises, so your performance won't leave you exhausted, which detracts from how well you execute your movements. Most dancers that I know incorporate some pilates into their workouts, and quite a few do some yoga as well.

If you plan to perform, you may want to try to videotape yourself when you practice if possible. That way you can actually see what you're doing, so you will know what movements that you need to focus on more and which ones you are comfortable with. Also, imagine having an audience to perform for and try to look like you're enjoying yourself and remember to smile. I find it's more difficult to remember to smile with an audience if I don't smile while I'm practicing. :) If you have a passion for the dance and can share that with your audience they will appreciate your performance much more than the performance of a dancer who executes movements precisely yet doesn't connect with the audience, either because they may appear mechanical/robotic or seem like a prima donna.

You will also want to know the music VERY well. When you know your music really well it's easier to remember your choreography. Also, when doing a solo performance it's easier to ad lib if you forget your choregraphy when you know your music. You'll want to include music by current artists like Hakim, Hanan, and Tarkan, as well as music by Hossam Ramzy, Emad Sayyah, George Abdo, Eddie ??the Sheik?? Kochak, and (of course) Om Kalsoum. There are many more artists with great music, but these are some whose music may be more easily located and I personally enjoy.

The videos by Veena and Neena are good to work with. I have their DVD's and DVD's that I like by Jillina, Mesmera, Yasmina Ramzy, and more. I have checked out DVD's from my local library that I didn't feel were very good (at least not for me) but I learned something even from them... like how I do NOT want to look when I perform. :) Even bad videos may help in their own way.

Probably the best thing is to relax and have fun when you're performing. You'll dance better and the audience will enjoy it more. Don't worry too much about being "perfect", but just doing your best and having fun and you'll do just fine. Good luck!!