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I dont know HOW to dance...should i just sit there and watch?or let my friends drag me out their!?! I want to have fun..but i dont want to embarrass

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This comes from a girl who has been to dances and has not enjoyed them. Heres what you with whoever you want, and just whatever makes you feel good. If you are going to sit there and watch you might as well bring a book, because watching will make you feel like a reject, which is what has happened to me, so with a book in my hand the rest of the world dissappers, sure people think i'm a lunatic, but i dont care, i do what i want, and that is what makes me happy (not to mention different) As for slow songs, at these dances you should be able to dance with anyone, and not have them read into it at all....just because u ask to dance with someone doesnt mean that you are into them ( but if you are....then yippie for you, your dancing!) so just have alot of espressos before. and dont take life too seriously. You are bound to have a great time. Confidence is key! have fun!