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How to learn the splits in 2 weeks?

Any ideas? I'm the only girl in my dancing class that can't do them. And i think it would help me with my plie's(my teacher says i don't push my legs out far enough).

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I used to be a cheerleader and couldn't do the splits for 3 months then figured out how to do them.

First take 10 minutes and stretch, stretching warms up the muscles and allows them the ability to expand and stretch to the elasticity to be able to do the splits.

After the first 10 minutes practice the splits for 20 minutes, but don't overdue it. This can lead to muscle tear which in some muscles, can't heal. Just bend to the point that it hurts just a little bit but not too painful.

The last 10 minutes is time for a cool down and your back to just stretching, again to the point where it hurts but not too painful.