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Position:Home>Dancing> My knees keep hyperextending when I try to dance using the cuban motion. Whenev


My knees keep hyperextending when I try to dance using the cuban motion. Whenever I step to bend my knee and?

let my hip drop on the leg that is bended it always pulls down and hyperextends the other knee that is not bent. Help. Also. Any good online sources to help me get this motion.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You don't produce the cuban motion by simply dropping your weight. Hyperextesnion is the most likely result if you do this. (Yeah, the term cuban motion is too confusing, this is why you hurt yourself. So, let's not talk cuban motion let's talk Latin technique) Instead, you should control your weight as you transfer it from one foot to another. There are different techniques of how it should be done. One is American style and another is International style, and there is a bunch of other nighclub styles that are less strictly defined. Bottom line - with good techinique, one should be able to do it beautifully without hurting themeslves. The "cuban motion" is an effect produced by bending and straightening your knees at the right time and using your foot to push from the floor. I know more about International (you are def talking about American ) but I still can tell you a few things. So the hips go forward and back in opposition, not up and down in opposition. Your whole body in fact needs to work in opposition of the left to right at all times (for cha cha and rumba). Try not to think about dropping your weight. Instead, think about pushing your knee (of the other, opposing, leg) forward. You will notice that the hip went back. This is what you want. Think about working your knees forward. It really needs to explained by a good teacher in person, not by internet. If all your teacher can tell you is to drop your weight it means they can't expain it well enough for you to understand and you might ask some other teacher to help you because if you continue you will riun your knees pretty soon. Oposition is a technical term by the way. You can try to research opposition+latin, also ask this to your teacher. Teachers with good training will be very happy to hear this from you and will gladly explain.

I hope I helped.