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Position:Home>Dancing> I wanna learn how to dance with a girl in a slow song?


I wanna learn how to dance with a girl in a slow song?

do u guyz know any websites

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Like Hitch Said in the movie, "This is where you live" as he was stepping side to side from one foot to the other relatively slowly. Just rock back and forth, and be careful of the position of your feet in correlation to hers. What matters more than how you're rocking, because you'll basically be fine as long as you're feet aren't conflicting in their trajectories, is how you two are holding one another, and how you're looking into one another's eyes, if you choose to take that option into affect. It's a very powerful thing, the slow dance, so it's best to master the art of proper support of a female. Hips, Shoulders, and hands when held stable all deliver a sense of security to children or female gendered, along with eye contact. Which is why when in a panicky situation the trained professional always says "Look at me" before he tells you anything or any instruction. It's about that feeling of security that she's expecting from you, to decide whether or not subconsciously you're a proper mate. You'll have to be able to outstare her, not as though a staring contest, but as though staring into the most intriguing crystal ball you've ever set eyes upon, and it works best if you're really feeling the emotion as you do it. Practice squinting in the mirror like you're looking at something really intruiging or amazing. Trust me, you'll know when you get it, cause it can give you goosebumps. After this, most all that is left necessary is to be able to take the initiative and lead her, even the little things like holding hands or a kiss, without fear. Do those things and the rest always falls into place. It will be easy.