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The Original Pussycat Dolls????

Gah! I'd like to find out where I can see the ORIGINAL pussycat dolls (as featured in Charlies Angels 2) but every search I do brings up the semi-new pop group by the same name. Does anyone know anything about the original pussycat dolls, a burlesque dance group that appears in various types of lingere and does a stage-dance show for audiences? Any idea if they have a website and where they perform? They typically do jazzy numbers, not the pop/r&b everyone has come to associate with that name. I think it's more than likely somewhere in Vegas but I just can't seem to weed through all the fan crap for the new music group to find what I'm looking for. Help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I believe they are the same group.

Start here:

Then, if you need more info, do a google searchfor:

"pussycat dolls" +burlesque

Just like that.

Hope this is the group you wanted.

Here are some more links: