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Position:Home>Dancing> What are some things I could do to get my splits for dance tryouts in march?


What are some things I could do to get my splits for dance tryouts in march?

i need my splits...all three...left right and middle
can someone please help me!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Start by doing some hamstring exercises. Even just go for a run or a fast walk, something to get your hamstrings warm so they will have some flexibility to start with.

Stand close to a wall with your back to the wall.
Bend over and put your hands on the floor. (This is like a yoga pose.) Keep your knees straight.

*** If you can't touch the floor with your knees straight, you are probably not going to be able to do the splits in two months. ***

Lift one of your feet up onto the wall -- you will have to have the top of your foot on the wall.
Start to slide your foot up the wall while making sure to keep your hands on the floor and think about not curving your upper back, but pointing your butt straight up at the ceiling.
You are now in a split and you should stay there for a long time. Don't push really hard -- you will tear something! Just stay there until it starts to relax -- then push a little more.

To be clear about this: You should have one foot on the floor with your hands on the floor on either side of the foot. You are looking at the wall with your whole upper body upside down. The other leg is angled up towards the wall with your foot up on the wall, about the height where your head would normally be.

Try really hard to keep your hips "Square" -- you shouldn't feel like your body is angling off to the side, but that your whole body is still in a line with the wall. Remember to lean from your hips, not pull your head toward your leg.

Good luck!

PS: You'd learn all this and more in a good yoga class.