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Position:Home>Dancing> What are your likes or dis-likes about Dance School's,lesson's or the industry.?


What are your likes or dis-likes about Dance School's,lesson's or the industry.?

I am Doing some research this year to further my business,
I am wondering if anyone would like to share there opinions,comments,suggestions and so on about this topic.

Please let me know
Are you a Teacher,Princible,Performer,St...
How long you have danced,
What style you Dance or study.
Are you dancing for fun or looking at it as a career.
And if you like (optional) Where your main studies have been (Dance School,Home,School,Club) etc

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am a ballet student and teacher, and I've found that one of the worst problems I've faced as a student is that I would get pushed to the side and ignored b/c I didn't have special outstanding talent, while I watched my talented friends get so many more opportunities simply because they were better dancers when they first came to the school. As a teacher I've found it can be difficult to keep rowdy kids under control, even when I love them with all my heart. As a student I love getting encouragement and corrections from the teacher, and as a teacher I like knowing that my students are enjoying the class and that they understand what I'm teaching.