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What can I do about breaking pointe shoes down too fast???

I'm 14 and have been dancing for 11 years. I've been en pointe for a year and a half and on my 5th pair of shoes (YIKES!). I wore two pairs of Freed Studio 2s for about 3 classes each, Bloch Synergies for about 8 classes and 2 pairs of Russian Pointes at about 6 classes a pair (all of these shoes have been the hardest shank for that brand...supposedly) . I've tried shellac. Does anyone use jet glue? does it work? please help. Im pretty much desperate.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Glue works, but going through shoes quickly is something most do. Professional ballerinas go can go through a pair of pointe shoes after one performance!
If the shank or box is falling apart or not supporting you from the beginning, then the problem is the brand.
Try ones like Gaynor Mindens. Russian Pointes are my favorite but not commonly used for beginners. Gaynor's will cost more than Freeds but they have such good quality and usually have a good wear on them.
If you are still in doubt, ask your teacher. She knows what shoe would be best for you. There is no "bad brand" necessarily, it just depends on the persons foot and their technique. Make sure it's professionally fitted!

Good luck and have fun in ballet.