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Position:Home>Dancing> Why do girls try to dance when they suck?


Why do girls try to dance when they suck?

and im not talken bout all girls just the teens who think they can dance and they suck and always try to get their freinds to got but they wont. i dont know how it is about women but how come they dont realize they suck when they do? i mean if a guy sucks then they wont do it but if a girl sucks shell still do it and think shes the **** when she sucks more then anyone on the dancefloor.

ps i suck at dancing! lol and i never do it lmao

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This is how girls eventualy learn to dance. Practice makes perfect. This is how some guys never learn - they realize that they suck and they quit trying. Only much later they come here an say "Help, I can't dance but I have this hot date and she's such a good dancer, help what am I gonna do..." on so forth....